So, here we are, end of the quarter, and the quota hanging around your neck is getting heavier and heavier.
In our recent EyesOnSales sales survey, we asked you “Are you finding it easier or harder to hit your sales quota this year vs. last year?” and we were surprised at the results. Not that OVER HALF thought it was harder… but that 22% felt it was ACTUALLY EASIER.
To you 22% out there
What is making hitting your quota easier? Are your quotas set lower? Is it price point, product quality, product enhancements. Are you working harder, longer hours? Has Marketing provided you more campaigns, better brand recognition social media, collateral to help you close those deals?
Share what has made your quota easier to achieve in theCOMMENT box below so we can leverage each other’s best practices and give a few more of your Sales Brothers and Sisters a last second change to achieve the same success you are having.
To the rest of you.
Please share the one thing that has made it harder for you.